ECDC training in the area of vaccination and vaccine hesitancy for primary healthcare professionals

European Union ECDC training in the area of vaccination and vaccine hesitancy for primary healthcare professionals
is funded by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control via Framework Contract ECDC/2021/005.

Work packages

Task 1:

Kick-off meeting and report: to discuss and agree on the overall work plan (including methodology, roles and responsibilities), timetable, deliverables, and communication methods for the follow-up of the project coordination with ECDC.

Task 2:

Monthly meetings and reports: with the ECDC project manager and ECDC team to discuss the progress and any pending questions and issues during the implementation of the project.

Task 3:

T3.1: A desk review of exisiting information available from recent European training projects on vaccinology and vaccine hesitancy (including Covid-19 related vaccine hesitancy). The work will result in a report.

T3.2: Based on the above, a training needs assessment on vaccinology and vaccine hesitancy (including Covid-19 related vaccine hesitancy) among representatives of the target audiences about the two training modules. The work will result in persona profiles (indepth descriptions and profiles of prototypical learners).

Task 4:

Update the ECDC scoping search performed in November 2019 on existing courses on vaccinology and vaccine hesitancy at European and international level. The work will result in a report.

Task 5:

Design, based on the needs assessment results, a comprehensive draft curriculum of the training on behaviour change communication (including Covid-19 related vaccine hesitancy) and develop the detailed content material for the blended format including a training of trainer module.

The curriculum should be modular and include learning objectives, tools/ methods to be used, any additional resources required (e.g. additional reading) and tests/ questions to test the knowledge increase at the end of each module.

The format of the content for online activities should be PowerPoint following the ECDC template that will be provided. In the comments of the PowerPoint, the exact content of the voice-over to be used when developing the e-learning has to be written.

Task 6:

Design, based on the needs assessment results, a comprehensive draft curriculum of the training on vaccinology (including Covid-19 vaccine) and develop the draft content material to use as source material for the development of an e-learning course aimed to contribute to the continuing professional development of primary healthcare professionals.

The curriculum should be modular and include learning objectives, tools/ methods to be used, any additional resources required (e.g. additional reading) and possibly tests/ quests to test the knowledge increase at the end of each module.

The format of the content should be PowerPoint following the ECDC template that will be provided. In the comments of the PowerPoint, the exact content of the voice-over to be used when developing the elearning has to be written.

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region Università di Pavia Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto De Saúde Pública Da Universidade Do Porto Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública Medizinische Universität Wien Ecole des hautes études en santé publique